Prevent a Rift: Money Tips for Newlyweds
In a recent study, 88% of millennials admitted that financial decisions are a source of tension in their relationship with a spouse or partner. This could help explain why some experts say financial problems are the #1 reason marriages fail. 1 Fortunately, couples may be able to head off many of the problems money can cause in a marriage. 10 Tips for Newly Married Couples Communication —Couples should consider talking about their financial goals, memories, and habits because each may come into the marriage with fundamental differences in experiences and outlook that will drive their behaviors. Set Goals —Setting goals establishes a common objective that both become committed to pursuing. Create a Budget —A budget is an exercise for developing a spending and savings plan that is designed to reflect mutually agreed upon priorities. Set the Foundation for Your Financial House —Identify assets and debts. Look to begin reducing debts while building your emergency fund. W...