
Showing posts from January, 2020

Inside View Host Cory Burnell Talks with Scott Behiel of Habitat for Humanity

In this show Cory asks Scott about affordable housing in Calaveras County and proposed plans for up to 100 new homes on 17 acres in the Angels Camp area the next few years.

Creative Ways to Motivate Your Employees

The common thread that runs through all small businesses, from professional services to manufacturing, is that a motivated workforce is central to the business’s success. Here are some quick, inexpensive, and potentially effective ways to motivate your employees and improve your employee retention. Weekly “Good News” Emails Too often the business day can be about addressing problems or issues, large and small. We forget to recognize the “wins” and other positive accomplishments. Yet, it is the successes we achieve that inspire us to reach new heights. Encourage Mental Breaks Whether it is making sure employees go out for lunch, take a mid-day walk, or even take a short “power nap,” these breaks away from the grind can re-energize, refresh, and even lead to new ideas. Be Visible As a leader, your troops appreciate your visibility and a human connection to you. Walk around the floor. Write handwritten notes of appreciation. Roll up your sleeves to help meet a deadline....

Gates and Buffet Should Shut Up Until Their Hypocrisy Ends

Gates and Buffet should shut up about higher taxes until they donate their money to the federal government. Nothing prevents them from donating their money to the U.S. Treasury, and yet they haven't. Might that be because private sector charity is far more efficient and effective with the resources? Why are Gates and Buffet still worth billions when they can immediately donate their shares? Until they donate their money to the Treasury, they're hypocrites who should shut up about using force to take from others.